
Official Transcript Request

If you need an official copy of your transcript, you must request to 威尼斯人网上赌场 through the National Clearinghouse. An official transcript sent electronically will cost $7.90-$8.90. 威尼斯人网上赌场 does have the option of mailing transcripts through the National Clearinghouse which is an added cost. To ensure the most efficient and reduced-cost delivery, please choose electronic delivery whenever possible. To send transcripts to a Minnesota State institution, please see below.

Unofficial Transcript (Student Copy) Request

You can access your full transcript for FREE via the eServices portal. This transcript is identical to the official transcript in content, however, it is not printed on security paper and thus is not certified as an official 威尼斯人网上赌场 document. Unofficial / Student copies of transcripts are not acceptable generally for employers or other colleges.

  1. Log in to eServices.
  2. On the left menu select, “Academic Records.”
  3. Then select from the sub-menu, “Unofficial Transcripts.”
  4. Select the option by which you want to view your academic record, then select “Get Academic Record.”
  5. Your academic record will be displayed by the criteria you selected. To get just a printable, PDF copy, select “the PDF icon.”
  6. Remember to log out of your account when finished.

Send Transcript to another Minnesota State Institution

Electronic transcript retrieval is now possible among all Minnesota State institutions for students who are enrolled or transferring to another Minnesota State institution. As a result, it is no longer necessary for most students to order transcripts to be sent to another Minnesota State and ask the staff at the receiving Minnesota State institution about their e-transcript retrieval procedures. Only in some cases will you be asked to order your transcript. 威尼斯人网上赌场 will continue to require a request and will charge transcript fees for all archived records to any destination.

Reverse Transcripts (from any Minnesota State institution)

威尼斯人网上赌场 will attempt to retrieve e-Transcripts from all other Minnesota State institutions you have attended at the point of application. If you would like an updated transcript pulled please submit the Transcript Retrieval form.

For questions, please contact Records and Registration at 507-285-7557 or 800-247-1296 ext. 7557.