

By clicking below, you agree that you have read and understand the policies and procedures for responsibly managing your enrollment. You are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the 威尼斯人网上赌场 student handbook and College Catalog. These terms include but are not limited to the following:

  • Student records are private. Do not allow anyone access to this site with your Stinger ID number and pin number.
  • Registration in classes commits you to a financial obligation. Classes must be dropped prior to the posted deadline to receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
  • If you wish not to be enrolled for the term, you should drop your classes before the published drop deadline date. Do not assume your courses will be canceled. You are personally responsible for making changes (drops or adds) to your schedule, and for verifying that they have been made correctly. Print a copy of your academic schedule whenever you make a change.
  • After the deadline to drop a course, refunds are issued only for complete withdrawals in accordance with the published 威尼斯人网上赌场 refund schedule.
  • Courses will only be canceled if payment is not made or a payment plan or approved deferments has not been met prior to the published due date. You are responsible for knowing if you have an approved deferment or payment plan and for managing your enrollment.
  • All balances must be paid in full prior to registering for future semesters. After the term is over, any unpaid balance may be turned over to the Minnesota Department of Revenue, Collections Division.

Login Instructions…

Your eServices login is your StarID and password.

If you forgot your StarID or StarID Password, use StarID Self Service to manage your access.

The StarID is a username that will be used across Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to access information technology systems and services. As systems are configured to use StarID, the number of usernames and passwords students and employees will need to remember and use will be reduced. Ideally, a single username can be used to log into any system and that will be StarID. This means that students who plan on transferring to another school in the MNSCU system will continue to use the same StarID and password.

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